Leadership Development
The Global Reality
During the last century, one of the most significant changes in the map of world Christianity has taken place. While one hundred years ago 95% of Christians lived in the western world, nowadays 70% of believers live in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The most dynamic and growing churches are in this part of the world, with a liturgy, organization and ministry style that attracts hundreds of people. Theologians talk about the “great shift” in the seat of Christianity from the western nations to the “two-thirds world” or the “global south.” The reality is that there is a tremendous movement of God taking place around the world, but the needs for theological education are great.
Today, an estimated 2 million pastors in Asia, Africa and Latin America have either very limited or no access whatsoever to any form of theological training. More than 1,000 new pastors are needed per day to serve the 50,000 new believers that are baptized every day around the world. *Dr. Ramesh Richard, DTS

We partner with indigenous leadership in countries all over the world to promote sound theological education and train up the next generation of leaders.
In the last two decades the global church’s understanding of the fulfillment of its mission has shifted to that of “mission as theological education.” This broader understanding of the mission of the church has given birth to new fields of study such as World Christian Studies, Cross-Cultural Leadership Development, and Global Theological Education.
people groups are unevangelized
pastors are needed per day
new believers are baptized every day globally
of the world's Christian leaders have access to formal theological education
Leadership Development
We exist to bring global leadership development using sound, biblically based training to the nations we serve.
Integral to our ministry efforts are Champion Churches, missions-minded Southern Baptist congregations that partner with an overseas Baptist seminary in order to help lead that school toward greater self-sustainability. While GLD focuses upon the academic pursuits, Champion Churches give themselves to the practical. This may include things such as providing library and technological resources, teaching courses, funding student scholarships, etc. These churches commit to a cooperative relationship with the Baptist seminary partner to help meet the seminary’s most strategic needs. This collaboration involves ongoing leadership development and a project-based plan of ministry created in direct cooperation with the international seminary partner.
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. GO therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THAT I COMMANDED YOU; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20 NASB, emphasis added)
Global Ministry
Today, GLD is engaged either formally or informally with more than 100 Baptist seminaries worldwide, repreneted by more than 160 campuses and extension locations on 5 continents, more than 80 nations, and helping to start 15 new Baptist seminaries in Africa, Latin America, Middle America, Central and South Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
At the heart of what we do in shaping global leadership, is the development of language-specific consortiums around the world. Each consortium has its own leadership team and members work together to strengthen theological education in their own region. Champion partners (individuals, churches and agencies), are encouraged to assist consortiums as they grow. Below, are consortiums around the world where you can get involved.
Latin America
35 Countries
100 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
25,000 Students
14 Language Groups
28 Countries
30 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
150,000 Students
38 Language Groups
Consórcio Português
10 Countries
20 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
10,000 Students
1 Language Group, 2,500 tribes
Баптистский консорциум
10 Countries
15 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
8,000 Students
20 Language Groups
North Africa, Middle East
كونسورتيوم المعمدان
18 Countries
3 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
150 Students
10 Language Groups
Caribbean Baptist Consortium
15 Countries
6 Seminaries and Bible Colleges
4,000 Students
18 Language Groups
We cant do it alone
See how you can involve your church in this kingdom work
Central to this ministry is the work of Champion Partners (Churches, Individuals, and Agencies). We can accomplish more together than we can alone. Prayerfully consider joining us!

Dr. David Mahfouz
Global Leadership Development
Champion Partner Engagement

Dr. Daniel Sanchez
Global Leadership Development
Latin America Consortium Development

Dr. Harry Lewis
Global Leadership Development
Caribbean Consortium Development

Peter Vavrosky
Global Educational Systems
Asian Consortium Development