South Baptist Seminary
Davao City, Philippines
Dr. Jim Walker (IMB), Dr. Ed Augnon, Zureil Rei Manguiat Dr. Daniel Sanchez, Dr. David Mahfouz, Dr. Harry Lewis, Peter Vavrosky
SWBTS does not have the resources to develop a partnership effort apart from the support of our Champion Churches.
We have provided an ATLA and EBSCO link for their library. Their Library has about 20,000 books. The ATLA and EBSCO materials will raise the academic level of the library significantly. This seminary is accredited by the Philippine Government.
We have assisted in the launch of a 36 hour Masters of Theology degree. It will be the first masters degree offered in Davao City since the IMB removed theological education missionaries from the field in 1997.
This work was established by the FMB (now IMB) in 1955 and was named the Davao Baptist Bible School. It was launched as a brank of the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio. Dr. Clyde Jowers served as Director. In 1964, the Board of Trustees voted to change the name of Davao Baptist Bible School to Mindanao Baptist Bible School.
On September 23, 1982, the Board of Trustees voted that Mindanao Baptist Bible School be given a seminary status. The name was changed to Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary/Davao and in 1993 the name was changed to Southern Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary. SPBTS was registered as a Filipino Corporation by virtue of Securities and Exchange Commission with registration number DN 0930005042 dated May 23, 2002.
In 2002, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) issued a permit to offer a program in Bachelor of Arts major in Theology and Bachelor of Arts major in Christian Education.
In 2004, SPBTS was granted a government permit to operate First and Second Year High School and in 2005 the Elementary was given a permit to operate Grades 1 and 2.
The Seminary is now offering Kindergarten I and II, complete Elementary Education program, complete Secondary Education Program with government recognition and CHED recognized programs in Bachelor of Arts major in Theology and Bachelor of Arts major in Christian Education.
Cooperative Agreement
Trinity Academic is a partner in our GLD program. The focus of Trinity’s efforts is the construction of an online portal for distance education. All of the platforms used by Trinity are “open-source” software, requiring no license fees (ever) and no setup costs (other than the Trinity initial build). With the financial assistance of the Champion Church, Trinity will construct a portal (with a simple website interface) that provides the following: project cost: 3800. USD
GLD has established an informal cooperative agreement with the South Baptist Seminary. The GLD partnership is based upon a five-year planning model. This reflects a year-1 “planning and budgeting” period, and a four-year execution time frame (essentially a four-year cohort or program cycle). This five-year time frame is built upon the execution of a strategic planning effort and the production of a five-year plan on the part of the seminary partner.
The South Baptist Seminary staff is conducting the needs assessment.
Moodle Server for online content (classes) management
Big Blue Button for video conference, recording, and playback (live feed or recorded classes, conferences, etc.)
Koha Library Server (permitting online access to a vast digital library of resources)
MySQL Server (which system manages all of the database needs of the school)
Open Office (providing for the office software needs)
Projects to Develop the Library
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha’s impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. A Library team can implement KOHA sometime in 2024. Dr. Augnon’s wife served as Librarian at the seminary prior to her death and her vision included the implementation of KOHA.
Champion Church or Ministry
Champion Ministry: Burton Purvis has a Foundation and has agreed to serve the Champion Ministry FBC Warren Missions Team will implement KOHA.
Visiting Professors
GLD helped design and launch the new masters degree program for the seminary. Visiting professors who will teach for the seminary: [non deputized, self-funded]
Dr. Burton Purvis, Dr. Harry Lewis, Dr. David Roach, Dr. Montie Martin, Dr. Mark Howell, Dr. Ted Elmore, Dr. Daniel Sanchez, Dr. Bruno Molina, Dr. Glen Young, Dr. David Mahfouz, Dr. Jim Walker, Dr. Dale Newton
GLD Partnership
The GLD partnership is based upon a five-year planning model. This reflects a year-1 “planning and budgeting” period, and a four-year execution time frame (essentially a four-year cohort or program cycle). This five-year time frame is built upon the execution of a strategic planning effort and the production of a five-year plan on the part of the seminary partner.
Dr. Augnon has agreed to help organize the Asian Consoritum